Cherry Chums - Dementia Support

Cherry Chums meets every Wednesday in term-time from 10am - 12 noon at the Vine Centre (library) in Cherry Willingham.

About Cherry Chums

Structured support

Cherry Chums provides structured support group for people with dementia and their carers at the Vine Centre (library) in Cherry Willingham.

A helping hand

We offer care, guidance and support and a wide range of creative and fun activities for people to try such as arts and crafts, seated exercises, table top gardening, reminiscence activities and singing

Above all we are together

All this is in a friendly atmosphere alongside a cuppa. A key feature of Cherry Chums, is that a casual observer would struggle to tell the difference between the volunteers, those living with dementia and those who support them.

“No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.”

– Aesop